Backyard Homesteader ecourse
Do you dream of having a small homestead? Do you long to live a simple life, growing a garden, making daily bread, and living more naturally? You don’t have to wait until you have 5 acres and a barn. Bohemian Farmgirl shows you how to get started NOW, no matter where you live.
I’m Christina, and I can teach you 12 beginner homesteading skills that you can use now, while you’re working towards building your dream homestead. If you seek a life of self-sufficiency but don’t quite know where to start, this is it.
I have homesteaded in an apartment in New York City and in rented farmhouses. I have grown organic food, tended livestock, taught a homeschool farm and garden program, made homemade cheese, learned to make artisan bread, made my own eco-friendly cleaning products, and started a sewing business. I have taught in public school, private school, and earned a master’s degree in creative arts therapy counseling, all while homesteading in various ways. I’m a homeschool mama, who believes in handing down traditional skills to my daughter so she too may be self-sufficient in this world of uncertain times.
And now I bring what I have learned to you so that in 12 lessons, you can start your journey towards the life you imagine. Set your own pace: 12 days, 12 weeks or 12 months. The choice is yours. In this 150+ page ecourse you will learn:
How to bake artisan bread and make homemade butter
The art of natural candle making using soy and beeswax
How to plan an organic garden and start seeds
How to make compost (even in an apartment!)
To create non-toxic cleaning products
How to make oil infusions and salves for natural skin care
How to make herb butters and infused culinary oils
Cheesemaking using store bought organic milk
How to make homemade yogurt, granola, and jam
How to simmer an elderberry syrup to boost your immune system naturally
How to slow cook broths and stocks for homemade soups and stews
How to sew cloth napkins on that sewing machine that’s been calling your name from the attic
I once read a story in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron of someone who wanted to learn how to play the piano. The person was well into adulthood and exclaimed, “Do you know how old I’ll be by the time I learn to play the piano?!” Cameron’s response has stuck with me all of my adult life: the same age you’ll be if you don’t [learn to play the piano].
During our time together, you will also clarify your homesteading vision by looking deeper into your motivations for the life you wish to live. Clarity will set your intentions, and you may even already be closer to your goals than you think. I’ll share some stories from my own homesteading journey thus far, and hopefully you’ll be left inspired as well as more skillful.
Don’t wait until you have the perfect life circumstances (they won’t come), all the money saved in the bank (there will never be enough), and the perfect empty block of time on your calendar (NOW is the time). Begin now. Just follow this link and you can begin living the life you’ve imagined today.
Click HERE to download the course now!